Module Monoidal

module Monoidal: sig  end
The monoidal collection: set, bag and sequence.

 'left : seq -> int -> any
Returns the value at the left of an element in a sequence.

'left(l, p) returns the element at the left of position p in the sequence l. Position in a sequence are integers.

This function is also a special form in a transformation.
See : 'right
See : 'collection
See : chapter functional

 'right : seq -> int -> any
Returns the value at the right of an element in a sequence.

'right(l, p) returns the element at the right of position p in the sequence l. Position in a sequence are integers.

This function is also a special form in a transformation.
See : 'left
See : 'collection
See : chapter functional

 'reverse : seq -> seq
Sequence reversal.
 'rotate_left : seq -> seq
rotate_left cycles the elements in the sequence argument one position to the left.
See :
 'rotate_right : seq -> seq
rotate_right cycles the elements in the sequence argument one position to the right.
See :
 'pad_right : seq -> int -> any -> seq
pad_right(s, n, v0) makes a sequence of length n by truncating or padding s with v0 on the right.
See :
 'pad_left : seq -> int -> any -> seq
pad_left(s, n, v0) makes a sequence of length n by truncating or padding s with v0 on the left.
See :
 'matrix_dim : seq -> int
matrix_dim(s) returns the maximal nesting of sequences in s.
See : 'rank
 'rank : seq -> seq
matrix_rank(s) returns the rank of the argument. The rank is a sequence of integers where element i represents the maximal number of elements in dimension i when s is viewed as a matrix. The size of the rank (i.e. the length of the returned sequence) is the dimension of the matrix as computed by 'matrix_dim.

Note that if one will interpret the first element in the rank as the number of rows in the matrix, and the second number as the number of columns, then a nested sequence like (1, 2)::(3, 4)::(5,6)::(7,8)::seq:() must be visualized as:

  1  2
  3  4
  5  6
  7  8

Example :
rank((1, 2)::(3, 4)::(5,6)::(7,8)::seq:());;
returns (4, 2):'seq.
See : 'matrix_dim
 'matrixify : seq -> seq
matrixify(s) returns a proper matrix build on s. The rank of the returned sequence m is the rank of s and m is a proper matrix. In the process of building the proper matrix, if a non-sequence element is provided where a sequence is required, then this element is replicated to form a sequence as many times as necessary. If a provided sequence is shorter than a required sequence, then the shorter sequence is padded with <undef> values.
Example :
returns a 4x3 matrix:
((1, 1, 1):'seq, 
 (2, 2, 2):'seq,  
 (3, 4, 5):'seq,  
 (6, 6, 6):'seq):'seq 
build the 2x3 matrix:
((1, 2, <undef: matrixify>):'seq,
 (3, 4, 5):'seq):'seq

See : 'rank
 'matrix_check : any -> any
matrix_check(s) checks if s is a matrix of dimension 2. A matrix is a sequence of sequences of equal length. matrix_check(s) returns false if s cannot be considered as a 2 dimensionnal matrix, else it returns a sequence of two integers (n, m) where n is the number of elements at the top level sequence and m the length of the nested sequences. The elements of a 2 dimensionnal matrix are arbitrary and can be themselves sequences. So a 3 dimensional matrix is also 2 dimensional matrix valued by sequences. In consequence, the value (n, m) returned by matrix_check(s) does not coincide with rank(s).
See : 'rank
 'transpose : seq -> seq
transpose(m) returns the transposition of the 2-dimensionnal matrix m.
See : 'matrix_check
 'outerproduct : funct -> funct -> seq -> seq -> seq
outerproduct(f1, f2, s1, s2) computes the outer product of matrix or vector s1 and s2.
 'scalarproduct : seq -> seq -> seq
scalarproduct(s1, s2) computes the scalar product of two vectors s1 and s2. scalarproduct(s1, s2) is equivalent to
outerproduct((\x, y.x+y), (\x, y.x*y), s1, s2)

 'matrix_vector_product : seq -> seq -> seq
matrix_vector_product(m, v) computes the product of matrix m with vector v. matrix_vector_product(m, v) is equivalent to
outerproduct((\x, y.x+y), (\x, y.x*y), m, v)

Example :
'matrix_vector_product((1, 2)::(3, 4)::(5,6)::(7,8)::seq:(), (10, 11));;
returns (32, 74, 116, 158):'seq
 'matrix_matrix_product : seq -> seq -> seq
matrix_matrix_product(m1, m2) computes the product of two matrices. matrix_matrix_product(m1, m2) is equivalent to
outerproduct((\x, y.x+y), (\x, y.x*y), m1, m2)

Example :
matrix_matrix_product((1, 2)::(3, 4)::(5,6)::seq:(), (10, 11, 12)::(20, 21, 22)::seq:());;
returns ((50, 53, 56):'seq, (110, 117, 124):'seq, (170, 181, 192):'seq):'seq.

In tabular form, we have computed:

   | 1 2 |   | 10  11  12 |   | 50   53  56 |  
   | 3 4 | . | 20  21  22 | = | 110 117 124 |  
   | 5 6 |                    | 170 181 192 |  

 'iota : int -> monoidal -> monoidal
Enumerate the n first integers. Given an integer n and a monoidal collection m, the expression iota(n+1, m) returns the value 0, 1, 2, ..., n, m.
Example :iota(3, (2, 3, 4)) returns the sequence 0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4 and iota(3, (2, 3, 4, set:())) returns the set 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, set:().
 'filter : funct -> monoidal -> monoidal
'filter(p, c) returns all the elements of the monoidal collection c that satisfy the predicate p. If c is a sequence, the order of the elements in the input sequence is preserved.
 'flatten : monoidal -> monoidal
flatten(col) flattens a sequence of sequences, or a set of sets, or a bag of bags. The flattening occurs only at the first level. The flattening of the n first nested levels of a monoid can be achieved by iteration: flatten['iter=n](col) By definition, flatten(x) == x if x is not a monoidal collection.
Example :
flatten(1::(2::22::222::(5, 55, 555, 5555)::():seq)::3::4::():seq)
== (1, 2, 22, 222, (5, 55, 555, 5555):'seq, 3, 4):'seq
flatten['iter=2](1::(2::22::222::(5, 55, 555, 5555)::():seq)::3::4::():seq)
(== 1, 2, 22, 222, 5, 55, 555, 5555, 3, 4):'seq

 'partition : int -> monoidal -> monoidal
funct -> monoidal -> monoidal

partition(n, s), with n an integer, partitions a monoid s (i.e. a seq, a set or a bag) into non­overlapping submonoids of length n (except for one).

partition(fct, s), with fct a predicate, partitions a monoid s (i.e. a seq, a set or a bag) into two non­overlapping submonoids s1 and s2, where s1 is the monoid of all the elements of s that satisfy the predicate fct, and s2 is the set of all the elements of s that do not satisfy fct.
Example :

partition(3, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)) == ((1, 2, 3):'seq, (4, 5, 6):'seq, (7):'seq):'seq
partition((\x.x<3), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, ():set)) == (((1, 2):'set, (3, 4, 5, 6, 7):'set):'set

See : 'filter
See : 'partition_eq
 'partition_eq : funct -> monoidal -> monoidal
partition_eq(f, s) partitions a sequence s into subsequences of elements of the same equivalence class. Two elements x and y are of the same equivalence class if f(x, y) is true.
Example :
partition_eq((\x,y.true), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)) == (5, 4, 3, 2, 1):'seq):'seq
partition_eq((\x,y.false), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, bag:())) == ((1):'bag, (2):'bag, (3):'bag, (4):'bag, (5):'bag):'bag
partition_eq((\x,y.x%2==y%2), (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, set:())) == (((2, 4):'set, (1, 3, 5):'set):'set

 'cons : any -> seq -> seq
any -> bag -> bag

any -> set -> set

Add an element to a monoidal collection.

 ':: : any -> seq -> seq
any -> bag -> bag

any -> set -> set

Add an element to a monoidal collection.

 'append : seq -> seq -> seq
bag -> bag -> bag

set -> set -> set

Concatenates two monoidal collections.

 'join : any -> seq -> seq
any -> bag -> bag

any -> set -> set

seq -> seq -> seq

bag -> bag -> bag

set -> set -> set

any -> any -> seq

Join two values. If the argument are of the same monoidal collection types, the the result has the same collection type and corresponds to an append operation.

If one of the argument is a monoidal collection type t and the other argument is not a monoidal collection, the result is the same as a cons operation and has the type t.

For the other cases, the result is the sequence of the two arguments.

 'inter : bag -> bag -> bag
set -> set -> set

Set or bag intersection.

 'diff : bag -> bag -> bag
set -> set -> set

Set or bag difference. This is not the symetric difference: diff(A, B) contains the elements of A that does not appear in B. For bag difference, the multiplicities in B are not taken into account.
Example :diff((1, 2, 3, set:()), (2, 3, 4, 5, set:())) returns (1):set and diff((1, 1, 2, 2, 3, bag:()), (2, 3, 4, 5, bag:())) returns (1, 1):bag.

 'subset : set -> set -> bool
subset(A, B) returns true if A is included in B