Module Delaunay

module Delaunay: sig  end
The delaunay triangulation collection

 'voronoi : del -> bool
voronoi(d, true) returns a sequence of voronoi vertices together with the Delaunay's vertices it is adjacent to.

voronoi(d, false) returns a record of (1) the coordinates of the voronoi vertices and (2) for each Delaunay vertex, all the Voronoi vertices adjacent ot the vertex. The adjacent vertices are in polar order (clockwise order).

Remark that (1) this function can only be used on a Delaunay value that has been defined with the option of carrying Voronoi informations together with the Delaunay triangulation and (2) it is only provided in dimension 2.

 'area : del
area(d) returns a sequence of values specifying the area of each voronoi cell centered on a Delaunau vertex.

Remark that (1) this function can only be used on a Delaunay value that has been defined with the option of carrying Voronoi informations together with the Delaunay triangulation and (2) it is only provided in dimension 2.