A complete list of the functions available from MGS can be obtained by typing the command !list;; under the interpreter. The complete list of available collection types is obtained by typing !type;; under the interpreter. Beware that a lot of MGS functions are polymorphic or heavely overloaded.
System |
System-related functions: command, i/o, etc.
Delaunay |
The delaunay triangulation collection
Collections |
Generic functions acting on collections.
Prox |
The proximal collection
Graph |
The graph topological collection
Scalar |
Functions acting on scalar values: int, string, float, undef, splx, funct, posgbf, gmap, bint etc.
Achain |
The abstract chain topological collection.
Math |
Aritmetics and Mathematical operators.
Monoidal |
The monoidal collection: set, bag and sequence.
Functional |
Functional and Transformational programing: lambda and transformations, etc.
Record |
The record collection.
Qmf |
The qmf collection (chain on ncell)
The Group Based Field collection
Intro |
A very short introduction to MGS.